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About us

Making a difference by building healthier communities through a connected and responsive primary health care system.

Merrilyn Strohfeldt - CEO, Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

It’s been another massive year for Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN as we have continued to commission primary health care services for vulnerable groups in our community and respond to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

This will be my last Annual Report Welcome as CEO of Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN which has given me time to pause and reflect. It has certainly been an interesting and rewarding journey since I commenced as CEO in 2018. We have seen significant change in the health care sector – none more so than in the past 18 months – and navigated many challenges along the way. 

As I have been reminded during many difficult times throughout my career, and what I think the past 18 months has instilled in us, is that the importance of community remains no matter what. Our ability to band together for the collective good, is most important. From bushfires, droughts to global pandemics, it’s been a pleasure to play an important role bringing people together to find the best possible solutions during my time at the PHN.  

Although responding to COVID-19 has continued to be a priority for our PHN, our work has continued in the background to make an impact across our seven priority areas (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Aged Care, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Digital Health, Health Workforce, Mental Health and Population Health). 

We have made significant inroads on key projects throughout the year, particularly across the mental health and aged care space, and with the integration of primary care with our hospital and health services. 

The embedding of stepped care across the region is ongoing, while we also focus on bringing together our partners in health care delivery to drive change in the continually evolving mental health space. 

We have spent significant time working with the communities of Cherbourg and Kingaroy to bring together stakeholders to develop place-based solutions to primary health care challenges. 

There has been a continued investment in providing high quality education to primary health professionals. In September 2020, we were a part of the Gundy Medical Muster – albeit virtual - for the seventh year.  In March 2021, we hosted the fourth Red Ant Round-up Medical Conference in Kingaroy with our largest delegate numbers to date. We also supported the West Moreton Aged Care Symposium providing an upskilling opportunity for health professionals delivering quality care for older people in the region. 

And yet, there is still so much more to do. I have no doubts that the PHN will continue to grow from strength to strength as the organisation enters this new chapter. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Directors for their strategic direction during my time at the PHN, and the Clinical Council and Community Advisory Committees for their support and insight. I would also like to thank the many health and medical professionals, service providers and our local hospital and health services who continue to work with our PHN and have provided support to me over the past four years. 

I would also like to thank the staff at the PHN – it is because of you that all of our work is possible and better health outcomes for our communities are a reality. It’s been a privilege to be your CEO and watch your passion, drive and innovation make a difference. 

I look forward to seeing what the future holds for the PHN and the next milestone moments that will be made for primary health care in this region. 


Merrilyn Strohfeldt


Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

Dr Tony Bayliss - Chair, Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

It is my pleasure to present to you the 2020-21 Annual Report for Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN. 

It has been another significant year growing relationships and supporting primary health to improve health outcomes for people living in our region. 

I am pleased to advise that in the 2020-21 year, we commissioned $34.89 million in primary health care services. 

This past year has seen a continued commitment to collaboration between the PHN and our hospital and health services: Darling Downs Health (DDH) and West Moreton Health (WMH). 

Together, we have made significant headway with our comprehensive Joint Regional Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Alcohol and Other Drugs Plan. This five-year plan is our commitment to joint planning for integrated mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services to ensure that all people living with a mental health condition and alcohol and other drug use in our region can access effective and appropriate treatment. We look forward to launching this important document at the end of 2021. 

Our work has also continued with our hospital and health service partners through important initiatives such as HealthPathways – which link GPs and health professionals with up-to-date clinical referral information – and looking at innovative ways to address potentially preventable emergency department presentations. 

We have focused our work as an organisation on our strategic priorities, concentrating on where we can make the biggest impact for vulnerable communities. In late 2021, we will launch our Aboriginal Health Strategy, providing tangible solutions for improving culturally safe care in our regions. Significant time has also been invested into investigating place-based solutions to workforce shortages, working locally to find ways of improving the health care experience for people. 

I want to acknowledge the significant work that has continued in 2020-21 across the health sector to respond to COVID-19. This year has seen many challenges and it has been incredibly rewarding to watch as the health sector and community continually come together to keep our communities safe. This has been particularly prevalent as we work with the Commonwealth Department of Health, Queensland Health, WMH and DDH, and primary care to support a smooth COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in our region. 

I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their contribution over the past 12 months. I would also like to acknowledge the hard work of our Executive Leadership Team and staff, and our health service delivery partners who continue to work with us to ensure the most vulnerable people in our community have access to high quality health care. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to Merrilyn Strohfeldt as we farewell her as CEO and wish her the very best for retirement. 

Since joining the PHN in 2018, Merrilyn has been responsible for building critical strategic partnerships to further develop innovative programs to improve health outcomes for people living in the region and overseen the commissioning of over $97 million in primary health care services. 

This work has led to many outcomes that mean vulnerable people living in the region have access to better health care, and GPs and health professionals are supported in the critical role they play. 

Merrilyn will be very much missed, however she has developed a highly skilled team that will continue the great work of the PHN. we also look forward to welcoming a new CEO to take over the reins and build on the incredible work that has been done to date. 

As we say goodbye to another financial year, I am buoyed with optimism for the coming 12 months. 

I very much look forward to working with you all to continue improving primary health care in the Darling Downs and West Moreton region. 


Dr Tony Bayliss

Board Chair

Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN

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